Wednesday, April 8, 2015


"Outspoken" Veterans are Conspired upon by the VA, according Special Asst. to Three Secretaries of Dept. of VA and Associate Dean of VA Learning University!!!

    Veterans that speak out for their rights and benefits are labeled by the VA as trouble makers! Have you ever disagreed with a decision or diagnosis the VA has given you?

    The VA quite frequently decides Veterans futures within the VA's VHA and VBA. The basis of such decisions are contingent on the Veteran's status. Some Veterans that voice their concerns surrounding their benefits find themselves labeled by the same Department that they depend upon daily to survive as Troublesome Veterans. 

    "Oscar the Grouch" is a term used by the VA in training videos preparing VA Employees for these Troublesome Veterans in the Town Hall Meetings. They have prepared themselves for any event that may arise. The planning for these events has such individuals in mind. 

    The Security for these events rival Secret Service Protection Services. Whole squads of officers are on duty and in full view. A looming presence exists surrounding those who speak out. A watchful eye from specifically placed personnel throughout the crowd, they normally are there to ask staged questions. 
    Media control is another key factor. The understand that not every speaker can be controlled in their attempt to be heard. It seems as if the only media outlets that actually attend these Town Halls are there to support the VA, and not the ones that truly deserve the support.

    Even the days of the week and times with accessibility go into consideration when it comes to the planning of the events that are more likely to have Veterans that will speak out. Recently, in Akron OH, the VA in Cleveland held a Town Hall. It was also the same day the President was leaving town. The roadways were gridlocked. All the media outlets were engaged with covering anything having to do with his visit. No one cared about the Town Hall Meeting, also getting to it was almost impossible for anyone.

    This is all in an effort to conceal the "Voices of Veterans"! Even the VA Employees that help to organize such events concur with this philosophy the VA has adopted in the light of opening it's doors to the public. How many of you have experienced such treatment from your VAMC?

    Mr. Darin Selnick, Concerned Veterans for America, Taskforce Executive Director and Senior Veterans Affairs Advisor for the CVA. Chairman of the West Los Angeles Veterans Home Support Foundation 2001-2009, Mr. Selnick was an appointee at the Department of Veterans Affairs, serving as a special assistant to three VA secretaries.  His positions included the Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and Special Assistant to the Secretary and Associate Dean, VA Learning University.  In this role he was responsible for providing program and operational oversight of VA Learning University.  Prior to joining the VA, Mr. Selnick spent eight years in private sector health care as a senior manager. CVA VA Healthcare Reform Chief Executive Officer.

    Mr. Darin Selnick states, that while he worked as the Special Assistant to Three Secretaries of the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, he witnessed collusion towards "Outspoken Veterans". They were labeled trouble makers and were "colluded" against.


nounnoun: collusionsecret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others."the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
"there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
LAWillegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.


    The Department of Veteran Affairs has repeatedly shown it's willingness to disprove Veterans Claims. In doing so, they have created a backlog of Veterans Claims that does not have an end in sight within the near future. 
    Meanwhile, the VA is even limiting the backlog even more by labeling Veterans and "Red Stamping" their claims. They have successfully, systematically found a way to discredit Veterans Claims, and remove the "Voice" from the Veteran.

Outside Healthcare Available For "Outspoken" Veterans!!!
    Veterans that no longer have any trust or faith that their VA Healthcare Facilities have their best interests involved can request Outside Healthcare Coverage from their local VAMC Director. If there is a legitimate reason for this level of distrust. The VA is the ones to determine this though, and frequently deny such requests in an effort to discredit the Veterans Claim. No matter how overwhelming the evidence can be against the VA!

    You can have all the evidence the world has to offer to completely demonstrate the Claim in full detail showing the exact truth surrounding it. Still and yet, that does not matter, if no one is listening because the VA has discredited you for no reason other than protect their own Department and System of Government. How much does your "Voice" rank against that?

    As one Veteran in the video describes the task as "Climbing MT. Olympus"! 

    Whom else feels like it's a waste of time to "Stand Up, Speak Out"?

Will the VA be allowed to continue this "Torrent of Abuse" against our Nation's Heroes! Can we stand shoulder to shoulder with one another as brother and sister in the preservation of our rights as "Defenders of Our Nation"! Doesn't every Veteran deserve to be heard, have they not earned that right!

Thank You For Your Service! 

Veterans PTSD, Inc.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

McDonalds: "Love it" or "Leave it" A Veteran's Story

     McDonalds: "Love it" or "Leave it"

A Veteran's Story

    Today, I saw the "Love it" campaign at work firsthand. It was exactly as I imagined it would be. 
    The "Love it" advertising campaign has been in an effort to draw in the Valentine's Day crowd. Until Feb. 14th has past, McDonalds employees will be selecting random patrons to pay for their meals with "Love". This may be anything the cashier requests, within reason.
    The efforts of the McDonalds Corporation to spearhead the Valentine's Day sales time with a customer draw that appeals to the heart may be a noble effort. Even so, it is a flawed concept. Human error is the factor to which I speak.
    I witnessed the manager of our local McDonalds making several decisions that seemed to myself and others as less than noble or honorable.
    As my 6 yr old and I entered the establishment, we saw a very pretty young lady get some "love" from the manager. Two customers later (city worker in between), another very pretty young lady got some "love" from the manager. After her, I approached the cash register with my son in tow. 
    We ordered the usual for us, one kids meal and one large coffee. We rarely order more than that. I'm a Disabled American Veteran, 80% total service connected. I served proudly overseas, and I bleed "Veteran". My clothes and demeanor present this fact. My Second Infantry hat stays glued to my head with the Chief shining proudly in the center. Numerous pins and crests adorn it. I am also considered to be poor, and can not work due to my disabilities during time in service. 
    I wondered if my clear "Veteran" status would get me some special consideration. Sadly, it did not. 
    After we stood waiting for our meals for several minutes, a man entered. He was an unassuming fellow who appeared to have a nice income based upon the classy wing tips he was wearing. My judgement of this man placed him in an expensive import in an upscale neighborhood. I know this is wrong for me to do, but passing judgement is within our human nature. Also, I'm not perfect.
    He was a handsome fellow that easily grabbed the cashier's attention. Her flirtatious mannerisms and bashful blushing told the tale of her true inner feelings for good looking well dressed man before her. This was clear to all who witnessed the the spectacle of giggles and winks. The manager saw this display and told her that she could "love it" to the charge for his order if she wished. So she did, but in an unorthodox way. She said that he didn't need to do anything, as if he was different or better than those others required to embarrass themselves for a free meal. 
    As the man stood there puzzled at whether or not to do anything as to pay for this "Love", he looked around for the answer. He looked up and down, back and forth. Then his gaze found the mark it was looking for. He turned from the cash register and walked directly toward me. With his outreached hand in front of him, I heard the words "Thank You Sir For Your Service". 
    I proudly said, "Your Welcome", as I stood astounded by his appreciation. He asked where all I had served, and I gave him the list. He seemed shocked at all the different places in which I was deployed. At that time he turned to the cashier and said,"Now here is someone that deserves your love"! The statement rang loud enough for everyone inside the restaurant to hear it. 
    The look upon the face of the staff were less than thrilled and could care less. I was appalled by their selfish attitude toward those who walk through those same doors day in and out, and are the civil servants of our community and country. This happens more and more frequently in today's society. People only show their support when it suits them, and their agenda. The rest of the time they do for themselves and their friends, and apparently those who are cute enough.
    I truly applaud the thought that McDonalds has as to sharing the "love". That is a truly noble, and novel, idea in which to give back to the customers. They do deserve that I believe, even if the help is serving their own agenda. Next time though, maybe they should consider using some random tickets that the customer can "scratch to win" the meal.
    The icing on the cake was the best part. The man that shook my hand came up to me after he got his meal, and offered to pay our meal. I respectfully declined and thanked him. As if it couldn't get better, he then informed me that he served in the 3rd Armored Div. I immediately shed a tear and said,"Thank You Brother"! My heart fell out of my chest. What no one knew was that I am a Veteran with severe PTSD (70% service connected). I was fighting off a panic attack, and feeling seriously depressed. Borderline suicidal as well. 
    I walked to the counter when my number was called with tears flooding my tired eyes. My son the only one to give me any comfort with his steadfast energy and happy go lucky attitude. We left with a sour taste in our mouths, and heavier hearts than when we entered. 
    With that said, I have to say I will "Leave it"! Maybe the next time I choose a lunch spot where I'll "Get It My Way".

Patrick C. Sullivan
Executive Director and Founder
Veterans PTSD, Inc.
Editor in Chief 
The Veterans PTSD Informant   

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

2014 Veterans Day Discounts and Freebies

2014 Veterans Day Discounts and Freebies

Search Site for Veterans Day Discounts by Zip Code

#Veterans #Military #MilitarySpouse #MilSpouse
#VeteransDay #VeteransDayDiscounts #Freebies

Friday, September 12, 2014

Until They All Come Home!

Until They All Come Home! 
We wear Red on Fridays! We show our support, and try to gain others support as well. In doing so, we provide comfort to those that see us before deployment, and a guiding spirit to those deployed. May our patriotic support be the guiding light that shines overseas to those looking for the light at the end of their long journey of deployment. May our Red appearance display our love for those that sacrifice so much for our Freedom. May Red display our appreciation boldly and proudly. May Red be our "Thank You For Your Service"

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

PTSD - Coming Home From War

Return from War

Returning from the War Zone
A Guide for Families of Military Personnel
This guide can help family members with reintegration following war. Learn how other families and military members dealt with common challenges.
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Transcript (PDF)
A Guide for Military Personnel
This guide is to help military personnel understand what to expect when returning from a war zone, and to help them to better adapt back to home life. Includes full color photos, stories, and live links! View online or print for handouts.

Deployment Information for Servicemembers and Veterans

Deployment Information for Families

  • Coping When a Family Member Has Been Called to War
    Provides tips and resources to help families cope before, during, and after a family member is deployed to a war.
  • How Deployment Stress Affects Families Dé qué Manera el Estrés de una Movilización Puede Afectar a las Familias
    Explains how deployment of a service member to a combat zone can be extremely challenging for a family.
  • Children Coping with Deployment
    Explains how children react to a parent's going to war, with suggestions for helping children cope.

PTSD - Women Veterans with PTSD

Issues Specific to Women

Army service womanWe now know a great deal about women's experiences of trauma and PTSD. The most common types of traumatic experiences women have are different than men. Also, while both men and women report the same symptoms of PTSD, some symptoms are more common for women or men. Some research shows that women may also be more likely to seek help after a traumatic event.
This section provides information about trauma, PTSD, and treatment that is specific women.

General Information for Women

  • Women, Trauma, and PTSD
    Learn about trauma and PTSD in women.
  • Sexual Assault against Females
    Defines sexual assault, how often it occurs, and the characteristics of perpetrators. Discusses women's reactions to sexual assault and what to do if you have been sexually assaulted.

Combat-Related Trauma in Women

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Service Animal assists the disabled person overcome their physical and/or emotional disability as an owner/handler team.  Originally a Service Animal was only a Seeing Eye Dog used to help with only the physical disability of loss/severe reduction [legal blindness] of eye sight.  Later Service Animals of all types were introduced to help by alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other special tasks such as assist with balance while walking.  More recently title Service Animal includes treating of patients with psychological complications such as PTSD and combat related stress disorders.  This use of Service Animals [Dogs in particular] has proven that the reduction of PTSD related symptoms occurred in as many as 82% of patients studied.

More and more Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans are being written prescriptions for Service Animals to help combat related PTSD.  Service Animals can help alleviate stress, loneliness, anxiety, the feeling of a vulnerable back. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that owning a Service Animal can decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels and feelings of loneliness; they also increase your desire for exercise, outdoor activity, and opportunity for socialization. Caring for a Service Animal requires responsibility and adherence to a daily schedule which are very beneficial in treating combat related PTSD.