Wednesday, April 8, 2015


"Outspoken" Veterans are Conspired upon by the VA, according Special Asst. to Three Secretaries of Dept. of VA and Associate Dean of VA Learning University!!!

    Veterans that speak out for their rights and benefits are labeled by the VA as trouble makers! Have you ever disagreed with a decision or diagnosis the VA has given you?

    The VA quite frequently decides Veterans futures within the VA's VHA and VBA. The basis of such decisions are contingent on the Veteran's status. Some Veterans that voice their concerns surrounding their benefits find themselves labeled by the same Department that they depend upon daily to survive as Troublesome Veterans. 

    "Oscar the Grouch" is a term used by the VA in training videos preparing VA Employees for these Troublesome Veterans in the Town Hall Meetings. They have prepared themselves for any event that may arise. The planning for these events has such individuals in mind. 

    The Security for these events rival Secret Service Protection Services. Whole squads of officers are on duty and in full view. A looming presence exists surrounding those who speak out. A watchful eye from specifically placed personnel throughout the crowd, they normally are there to ask staged questions. 
    Media control is another key factor. The understand that not every speaker can be controlled in their attempt to be heard. It seems as if the only media outlets that actually attend these Town Halls are there to support the VA, and not the ones that truly deserve the support.

    Even the days of the week and times with accessibility go into consideration when it comes to the planning of the events that are more likely to have Veterans that will speak out. Recently, in Akron OH, the VA in Cleveland held a Town Hall. It was also the same day the President was leaving town. The roadways were gridlocked. All the media outlets were engaged with covering anything having to do with his visit. No one cared about the Town Hall Meeting, also getting to it was almost impossible for anyone.

    This is all in an effort to conceal the "Voices of Veterans"! Even the VA Employees that help to organize such events concur with this philosophy the VA has adopted in the light of opening it's doors to the public. How many of you have experienced such treatment from your VAMC?

    Mr. Darin Selnick, Concerned Veterans for America, Taskforce Executive Director and Senior Veterans Affairs Advisor for the CVA. Chairman of the West Los Angeles Veterans Home Support Foundation 2001-2009, Mr. Selnick was an appointee at the Department of Veterans Affairs, serving as a special assistant to three VA secretaries.  His positions included the Director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and Special Assistant to the Secretary and Associate Dean, VA Learning University.  In this role he was responsible for providing program and operational oversight of VA Learning University.  Prior to joining the VA, Mr. Selnick spent eight years in private sector health care as a senior manager. CVA VA Healthcare Reform Chief Executive Officer.

    Mr. Darin Selnick states, that while he worked as the Special Assistant to Three Secretaries of the Dept. of Veteran Affairs, he witnessed collusion towards "Outspoken Veterans". They were labeled trouble makers and were "colluded" against.


nounnoun: collusionsecret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others."the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
"there had been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
LAWillegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.


    The Department of Veteran Affairs has repeatedly shown it's willingness to disprove Veterans Claims. In doing so, they have created a backlog of Veterans Claims that does not have an end in sight within the near future. 
    Meanwhile, the VA is even limiting the backlog even more by labeling Veterans and "Red Stamping" their claims. They have successfully, systematically found a way to discredit Veterans Claims, and remove the "Voice" from the Veteran.

Outside Healthcare Available For "Outspoken" Veterans!!!
    Veterans that no longer have any trust or faith that their VA Healthcare Facilities have their best interests involved can request Outside Healthcare Coverage from their local VAMC Director. If there is a legitimate reason for this level of distrust. The VA is the ones to determine this though, and frequently deny such requests in an effort to discredit the Veterans Claim. No matter how overwhelming the evidence can be against the VA!

    You can have all the evidence the world has to offer to completely demonstrate the Claim in full detail showing the exact truth surrounding it. Still and yet, that does not matter, if no one is listening because the VA has discredited you for no reason other than protect their own Department and System of Government. How much does your "Voice" rank against that?

    As one Veteran in the video describes the task as "Climbing MT. Olympus"! 

    Whom else feels like it's a waste of time to "Stand Up, Speak Out"?

Will the VA be allowed to continue this "Torrent of Abuse" against our Nation's Heroes! Can we stand shoulder to shoulder with one another as brother and sister in the preservation of our rights as "Defenders of Our Nation"! Doesn't every Veteran deserve to be heard, have they not earned that right!

Thank You For Your Service! 

Veterans PTSD, Inc.


  1. Wow I can't believe these people said all you can't raise your voice I fought and bleed for this country in war and some idiot is going to tell me how I'm going to speak to someone give me a break this is insanity

  2. Wow I can't believe these people said all you can't raise your voice I fought and bleed for this country in war and some idiot is going to tell me how I'm going to speak to someone give me a break this is insanity

  3. Helping War Heros Veteran with PTSD
    Click on this Link

  4. Helping war heros veterans with PTSD
    Click on this Link
